Revising Space Groups from Simulated SHELXfcf Structure Factors. More Examples of Incorrect Space Gr

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The structure factors of any crystal structure can be simulated from its atomic coordinates (and temperature factors) in a SHELXL-97 run on a dummy hkl in which only the scale factor is refined. The squares of the structure factors are retrieved from the fcf, and such simulated data are used in the revision of the space groups of several incorrectly-refined crystal structures. Two cases, a P1 to P1 revision and a chemically-incorrect structure that is refined in a correct space group, are discussed. The structure factors of any crystal structure can be simulated from its atomic coordinates (and temperature factors) in a SHELXL-97 run on a dummy hkl in which only the scale factor is refined. The squares of the structure factors are retrieved from the fcf, and such simulated data are used in the revision of the space groups of several incorrectly-refined crystal structures. Two cases, a P1 to P1 revision and a chemically-incorrect structure that is refined in a correct space group, are discussed.
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