
来源 :中华骨科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:genius0728
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目的:自1970年6月~1995年5月我科共收治滑膜软骨瘤病26例,均经手术及病理证实。作者对该病的诊断依据及标准,从临床、X线表现及病理改变特点进行探讨。资料与方法:26例中,膝关节18例,其中双膝关节发病1例,肘关节4例,髋关节3例,肩关节1例,临床表现为不同程度的关节疼痛,功能受限及肌肉萎缩。因有的游离体未钙化或骨化,X线显示关节内游离体数目有时少于关节内游离体的实际数目。手术摘除游离体,切除病变滑膜,可收到满意疗效。关节镜手术创伤小,视野好,恢复快。游离体病理改变为肉眼下大块游离体有包膜,易裂解为许多小块。镜下软骨瘤体为分化较好的软骨小结节堆砌而成,其间有纤维组织分隔,软骨结节可钙化,游离体边缘有时可见滑膜细胞。结果:随访16例,平均4年5个月,12例功能恢复良好,2例无变化,2例术后功能稍差,劳累后仍疼痛。讨论:作者认为,临床、X线及病理相结合,主要依靠病理进行诊断比根据游离体数目多少诊断更为合理。Milgram根据病理将本病分为三个阶段有重要意义,特别对Ⅰ、Ⅲ期病例的诊断有临床价值。 Objective: From June 1970 to May 1995, 26 cases of synovial chondromatosis were treated in our department. All cases were confirmed by operation and pathology. The authors discuss the clinical basis, X-ray findings and pathological changes in the diagnosis basis and criteria for the disease. Materials and Methods: Among the 26 cases, there were 18 cases of knee joints, including 1 case of double knee joints, 4 cases of elbow joints, 3 cases of hip joints, and 1 case of shoulder joints. The clinical manifestations were different degrees of joint pain, limited function and muscles. Shrinking. Because some of the free bodies are not calcified or ossified, X-rays show that the number of free bodies in the joint is sometimes less than the actual number of free bodies in the joint. Surgical removal of the free body, removal of the diseased synovial membrane, can receive satisfactory results. Arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive, with good vision and quick recovery. Pathological changes in the free body are covered by large naked bodies under the naked eye and are easily lysed into many small pieces. Microscopically, the cartilage body is made up of well-differentiated cartilage nodules, separated by fibrous tissue, cartilage nodules can be calcified, and synovial cells can be seen at the edges of the dissociated body. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were followed up for an average of 4 years and 5 months. Functional recovery of 12 patients was good, 2 patients had no change, 2 patients had slightly poorer postoperative function, and pain remained after exertion. Discussion: The author believes that the combination of clinical, X-ray, and pathology depends primarily on the pathological diagnosis more reasonable than on the basis of the number of free bodies. Milgram’s classification of the disease into three phases based on pathology is of great significance, particularly in the diagnosis of stage I and III cases.
本文对未成年人违法犯罪问题进行了专题调研,了解和掌握了近年来日照市未成年人犯罪的现状和特点,也对预防未成年人犯罪作了一点初步的思考,并提出了解决对策。 This articl
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