仅从1969年11月至1971年11月,在奥地利、英国、澳大利亚和西德,相继发生了四件钢箱形梁桥的重大事故,引起了世界各国桥梁界的注意。事后有人分析,认为在这些大型钢结构中应用近代设计理论和设计技术,确实是极为重要的。上述四桥在计算方法中有四项主要缺陷,其中一项是对剪滞(Shear lag)未加考虑。 剪滞这个问题在一般结构设计中未考虑过。现摘译本文介绍这一问题的几种计算理论和模型试验结果的比较情况,以供参考。
From November 1969 to November 1971, only four major steel box girder bridges occurred in Austria, England, Australia and West Germany, causing great concern to the bridge community all over the world. Someone later analyzed that the application of modern design theory and design techniques in these large steel structures is indeed extremely important. The above four bridges have four major drawbacks in the calculation method, one of which is that Shear lag is not considered. The problem of shear lag is not considered in the general structural design. This article presents a brief introduction of several computational theories of this issue and the comparison of model test results for reference.