十月的北京,风和日丽、金风送爽。在北京人民大会堂举行的中国 红十字会八届一次理事会上,天狮集团总裁李金元被中国红十字会全体 代表以无记名投票方式,全票通过当选为中国红十字会理事,并作为优 秀代表受到了党和国家领导人胡锦涛、温家宝、曾庆红、吴仪等领导的 亲切接见。这是李金元总裁的荣誉,是天狮集团的荣耀,更是党和国家 以及中国红十字会对天狮集团,对李金元总裁本人多年来在热衷慈善事 业、发扬人道主义精神、保护人类生命和健康、促进人类和平与进步事 业上所做出的贡献予以的高度肯定。
Beijing in October, sunny, golden wind cool. At the first meeting of the Eighth Red Cross Society of China held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Li Jinyuan, president of Tiens Group, was elected by all the representatives of the Chinese Red Cross by secret ballot and was voted as a director of the Chinese Red Cross and accepted as a good representative Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Yi and other leaders of the party and state attended the cordial meeting. This is the honor of president Li Jinyuan, the honor of Tiens Group. It is even more important for Tiens Group and the Red Cross Society of China to Tiens Group. For years, President Li Jinyuan is keen on charity, promotes humanitarianism, protects human life and health, and promotes The contributions made by mankind in its cause of peace and progress are highly affirmed.