Influence of the angle between two crown ether moieties on supramolecular copolymerization of bis(cr

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophia115416
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Bis(crown ether) homoditopic monomers containing two bis(p-phenylene)-34-crown-10 moieties with different angles(180° for monomer 3,120°for monomer 4,and 60°for monomer 5) and a complementary bisparaquat homoditopic monomer(7) were designed and synthesized.The three bis(crown ether) monomers could organize into linear supramolecular polymers in concentrated solutions in CHCl3/CH3CN with the bisparaquat monomer 7,as demonstrated by 1 H NMR and viscosity studies. The pseudorotaxanes or supramolecular polymers formed from 3+7 and 4+7 had larger values of Ka,p,n,slope 1,and slope 2 than those of 5+7.This result was attributed to the greater steric hindrance of compound 5 than that of 3 and 4,which resulted in less effective formation of linear supramolecular polymers from 5 with compound 7 than those from compounds 3 and 4 with compound 7,as also demonstrated by UV-vis method. Bis (crown ether) homoditopic monomers containing two bis (p-phenylene) -34-crown-10 moieties with different angles (180 ° for monomer 3,120 ° for monomer 4, and 60 ° for monomer 5) and a complementary bisparaquat homoditopic monomer 7) were designed and synthesized. The three bis (crown ether) monomers could organize into linear supramolecular polymers in concentrated solutions in CHCl3 / CH3CN with the bisparaquat monomer 7, as demonstrated by 1 H NMR and viscosity studies. The pseudorotaxanes or supramolecular polymers formed from 3 + 7 and 4 + 7 had larger values ​​of Ka, p, n, slope 1, and slope 2 than those of 5 + 7. This result was attributed to the greater steric hindrance of compound 5 than that of 3 and 4, which resulted in less effective formation of linear supramolecular polymers from 5 with compound 7 than those from compounds 3 and 4 with compound 7, as also demonstrated by UV-vis method.
基于项目的学习也简称为PBL,是一种以学生为中心的创新教学模式,已经运用到学习的各领域。本文主要针对该模式的概念、要素以及在小学科学教学中的具体运用进行探究;同时,结合小学科学新课程标准要求,立足教材内容提出了该模式运用的实施步骤,以个案展示的方式体现其运用途径及成效。  一、基本概念分析  (一)定义  PBL不仅仅指在教学中实施项目式活动,其核心在于培养学生的自主学习态度及能力。学生通过完成与
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