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幼儿种植行为是指幼儿在种植园地中参与播种、管理和收获过程中所出现的行为,这里的行为主要指外显的体态、动作、语言等,也指与这些行为紧密关联的思维过程和经验获取过程。本文通过对幼儿种植行为的观察和记录,分析了幼儿在播种活动、管理活动和收获活动中的具体行为,总结了幼儿种植行为的影响因素,并提出组织适宜幼儿的种植活动的建议。 The behavior of young children planting refers to the behaviors that young children take part in sowing, managing and harvesting in the plantation. The behavior here mainly refers to the explicit body posture, movement and language, and also refers to the thinking process and experience closely related to these behaviors Get the process. This paper analyzes the behavior of young children in planting activities, management activities and harvesting activities through the observation and record of young children’s planting behavior, summarizes the influencing factors of young children’s planting behavior, and puts forward the suggestion of organizing the suitable young children’s planting activities.
有的人说起名字一定要通俗易懂,功能优先;也有人说要突出品牌,打造认知差异化才是王道。到底如何是好?  起名的迷思  功能优先?闲鱼是不是应该叫二手货,氧气是不是应该叫内衣指南?突出品牌?应用宝是不是不如豌豆荚,每日优鲜是不是不如爱鲜蜂?  市面上对于起名字这个问题,95%的商业分析基本一样,都是由结果导原因,结论虽然未必是错的,但思考问题的方式决定了,它们既不深刻,又不全面。所以必然会产生大量的自