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肾、输尿管结石的手术指征:1.结石直径在1厘米以上,或结石直径小于1厘米,但表面粗糙不平,用非手术疗法后无下降趋势者。2.合并输尿管狭窄,输尿管息肉或输尿管囊肿者。3.合并肾功能减退和肾积水者。4.反复并发尿路 Kidney, ureteral stones surgical indications: 1. Stones diameter of 1 cm or more, or the diameter of stones less than 1 cm, but the surface rough, non-surgical treatment with no downward trend. 2. Combined ureteral stricture, ureteral polyps or ureteral cyst who. 3. Merging renal dysfunction and hydronephrosis. Repeated urinary tract