央视版《笑傲江湖》的播出虽然引起一番争议,但无可 争议的是该剧还是捧红了一批演员:李亚鹏凭此剧坐 上四大小生的位置,许晴久违荧幕后借它让观众重新认识了她,新人李解更不用说了,如果没有此剧,他至少还得等两年才能让这么多的人知道他,连在小说中只露两面的蓝凤凰的扮演者李菲都趁机火了一把……难怪古天乐替陆毅可惜,说谁演金庸剧谁就红。这句话也不无道理,但也不排除个别的,如像吕颂贤,有人说他不演令狐冲会更红。所以新的《射雕》能让谁红让谁走上滑铁卢还得看了再说,参考目前对该剧剧组报道的新闻,以本人之见,这些人收益会最大是逃不掉的:
Although the CCTV version of “Swordsman” broadcast aroused controversy, but undisputedly the show was still popular with a group of actors: Li Yapeng sit on the position of the four niche, Xu Qing long off the screen to borrow it Let the audience to re-recognize her, let alone the new Li Jie, without this drama, he had at least two years to get so many people know him, even in the novel only exposed on both sides of the Blue Phoenix actor Lee Philippine took the opportunity to fire a ... No wonder Louis Koo for Lu Yi Unfortunately, who played Jinyongju who red. This sentence is not unreasonable, but does not rule out individual, such as Lv Songxian, some people say he would not play Foxtrot will be even more red. Therefore, the new “Eagle Shooting” who can let Red who went to Waterloo have to read again, with reference to the current news coverage of the play crew, in my opinion, these people will be the largest gains can not escape: