内隐关系评估程序(implicit relational assessment procedures,简称IRAP)是Barnes等人于2006基于关系结构理论(rela-tional frame theory,简称RFT)提出的一种全新的测量内隐态度的研究方法,该方法采用的是一种计算机化的判断任务,以反应时为指标,被试通过对目标词进行关系判断,从而考察个体的内隐态度。本文主要阐述内隐关系评估程序的由来、关系结构理论与内隐关系评估程序的操作,并对内隐关系评估程序的性能和应用等进行了介绍。
Implicit relational assessment procedures (IRAPs) are a new method of measuring implicit attitudes developed by Barnes et al. In 2006 based on the theory of rela- tional frame theory (referred to as RFT). This method Using a computerized judgment task, the reaction time as an indicator, the subjects through the relationship between the target words to judge, so as to examine the individual’s implicit attitude. This paper mainly elaborates the origin of the implicit relationship evaluation procedure, the relation structure theory and the operation of the implicit relation evaluation procedure, and introduces the performance and application of the implicit relationship evaluation procedure.