据英国《泰晤士报》日前报道,美国航空航天局正在制定一个雄心勃勃的登月计划:2015年左右将宇航员送上月球背面, 2020年以前在月球建立太空站。规模比“阿波罗”大得多人类登月是在上世纪美苏争霸中拉开序幕的。1959年9月12日苏联发射“月球”2号探测器飞抵月球后,美国的惊讶不啻于发生“第二次珍珠港事件”!美国总统肯尼迪在随后的国会演讲中,誓言要“把苏联人摔倒在月球上”。于是,美国不惜耗费巨资,终于抢在苏联之前实现了“阿波罗”登月计划。“阿波罗”8号载人绕月飞行成功以后,美国曾透露说,一旦登月成功,就准备在月球上设立导弹发射基地。
According to a recent report by the Times in the United States, NASA is preparing an ambitious lunar landing plan: sending astronauts back to the moon by 2015 and establishing a space station on the moon by 2020. Much larger than Apollo, the human lunar landing was kicked off in the hegemony of America and the Soviet Union in the last century. After the Soviet Union launched the “Moon 2” probe on September 12, 1959, it flew to the moon, the United States was not surprised by the “Second Pearl Harbor Incident.” In a subsequent parliamentary speech, U.S. President Kennedy vowed to “ Man falls on the moon. ” As a result, the United States did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money and finally robbed the “Apollo” lunar landing plan before the Soviet Union. After the Apollo 8 manned orbiting flight succeeded, the United States revealed that once the moon landing is successful, it plans to set up a missile launching base on the moon.