“牡丹花国色天香,瑞香花金边最良”。金边瑞香是我国花卉珍品,它与长春和尚君子兰、日本五针松被推崇为“园艺三宝”,以色、香、姿、韵四绝皆备著称于花界。金边瑞香花开期在1~3月,春节期间浓香袭人,开花时间达三个月,被视为吉祥之花。 金边瑞香为常绿木本花卉,是瑞香科瑞香属的变种,单叶互生,质厚有光泽,长椭圆形,雌雄同花集生于顶端。金边瑞香属阴性树
“Peony flowers Tianxiang, Ruddy Phnom Penh, the best.” Phnom Penh Ruixiang is China’s flower treasures, it is with the Changchun monk Clivia, Japan Pinus affiniae known as “Gardening Sambo”, with color, smell, posture, rhyme is absolutely called the flower world. Phnom Penh Ruixiang blooming in January ~ March, during the Spring Festival incense hit people, flowering time of up to three months, is considered auspicious flowers. Phnom Penh Ruixiang is a evergreen woody flower, which is a variant of the genus Rauvirica. The single leaf leaves alternate with thick, shiny, long oval and the male and female flowers are born at the top. Phnom Penh Daphne is a negative tree