This article through the discussion of perforated roller type pointed out that due to the harsh conditions of the use of curved rollers, this type of roller is suitable for the production of a constant angle of roll angle α. With the use of a modern perforator with easy adjustment of α-angle, α angle becomes a variable parameter, and conical roller with simple roller profile (ie, fold line roller) can be more adaptive. In order to correctly use conical rolls, it is necessary to establish a simple and easy-to-use method of calculating effective rolls. In view of such an objective, this paper proposes the calculation principle and method of the effective roller shape of conical perforated roller outlet cone. The effective roller type is the basis for the correct calculation of perforation adjustment parameters. The correctness of the perforation adjustment parameters is related to the length of the perforation adjustment process, which reduces the loss of the tube during commissioning. Words are especially important.