Current Hospital Marketing in the United States

来源 :国际医药卫生导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szocean
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本文主要论述了当代美国医院营销的现状及发展趋势。强调医疗服务也应该有品牌意识;在一个完整的社会,医疗服务也应该讲协作。为了给读者提供有美国特色、原汁原昧的美国医院营销模式和理念,应作者美国加州大学罗伯博士要求,本刊全文照登并不配译文,供研讨此道的读者们细嚼慢咽,吸取精华。 This article mainly discusses the status quo and development trend of contemporary American hospital marketing. Emphasizing that medical services should also have brand awareness; in a complete society, medical services should also be collaborative. In order to provide the readers with U.S.-style, original juice marketing model and concept of the United States, should be requested by Dr. Rob of the University of California, the United States, the full text of the publication does not match the translation, for readers of this study to eat slowly, Draw essence.