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PPD-C致毛细血管性环状紫癜,国内、外文献鲜有报告者,我们在1985年10月份结核病管理点流调中发现一例,摘要报告如下: 赵桂兰女 56岁已婚汉族邮电局退休职工于1985年10月6日,接受长春生物制品研究所生产的PPD-C(85~3)0.1ml,左侧前臂屈侧皮内注射,于10月8日局部出现红色硬结,且目渐增大,至10月20日为20×25mm,呈暗红色,于硬结出现的同时,双臂出现大小不等的皮疹,无痒感。日后,皮疹逐渐向双上臂及下肢发展,患者既往素健,否认结核、风湿及过敏史,体检:体温36℃,脉搏80次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压140/82mmHg,心肺(一),肝脾未及,左前臂屈侧中部可见一暗红色硬结,面积同上,双侧上下肢布满 PPD-C-induced capillary purpura, domestic and foreign literature rarely reported, in October 1985 we found a case of tuberculosis management point, the summary report is as follows: Zhao Guilan female 56-year-old married Han Post Office Retired workers at On October 6, 1985, 0.1 ml of PPD-C (85-3) produced by Changchun Institute of Biological Products was accepted. The left forearm flexor was injected intradermally and the red induration appeared on October 8 and gradually increased To 20 × 25mm on October 20, dark red. At the same time of induration, the rashes appeared in different sizes and there was no itchiness. In the future, the rash gradually developed into both upper and lower extremities. The patient was previously hospitalized and denied the history of tuberculosis, rheumatism and allergy. The physical examination was: body temperature 36 ° C, pulse 80 beats / min, respiration 24 beats / min, blood pressure 140/82 mmHg, ), Liver and spleen is not, the left forearm flexion can be seen in the middle of a dark red induration, the same size, upper and lower limbs covered
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今年2月,在“杭州旅游消费券”新闻发布会上,工作人员正在展示杭州旅游消费券。杭州是国内首个推出旅游消费券的城市。   金融危机先后波及各个行业,旅游业亦在其中,一度不振。杭州市首先发放旅游消费券,试图刺激消费、拉动内需。全国各地纷纷效仿,南京、宁波、苏州、广州等已发放数额从几十万到上亿元不等旅游消费券。有专家认为,发放旅游消费券、景点打折门票等,只是被金融危机“挤压”出的权宜之计,并不符合经济规律
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