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抗战爆发后,不少文艺工作者奔赴延安和各抗日根据地为抗战服务,有些作家还深入前线敌后,创作出了不少具有现实主义意义的好作品。但由于艺术倾向不同,在1941~1942年抗战最艰苦的阶段,延安文艺界出现了一些错误倾向。1942年2月1日,毛泽东在中央党校作《整顿党的作风》的报告,拉开了整顿“三风”的序幕。为了推进延安文艺界的整风学习,党中央决定召开一次文艺座谈会。座谈会之 After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, many literary and art workers went to Yan’an and various anti-Japanese bases to serve for the war of resistance against Japan. Some writers also went deep into the front and behind enemy lines and created many good works of realist significance. However, due to the different artistic tendencies, there were some erroneous tendencies in Yan’an’s literary and art circles during the most difficult period during the war of resistance from 1941 to 1942. February 1, 1942, Mao Zedong in the Central Party School as “rectify the style of the party,” the report, opened the prelude to rectify the “Three Winds.” In order to promote rectification and study of Yan’an literary and art circles, the Central Party Committee decided to hold a literary and art symposium. Forum