塔里木巴楚县瓦吉里塔格地区出露有与塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省的形成密切相关的大型钒钛磁铁矿床.基于多元统计分析对该矿区露头和大量钻孔岩心样品中Fe-Ti-V元素和部分主量元素数据开展了元素地球化学相关性研究.采用SPSS软件对大量数据进行相关分析和回归分析,计算各元素间的相关系数,Fe、Ti、V 3种元素的相关性分析结果表明:矿床中Fe、Ti和V之间均呈正相关,成矿元素与造岩元素之间存在负相关关系;建立伴生钒元素与铁和钛元素之间关系的回归方程V=-4.984+0.360Fe+0.984Ti,由Fe和Ti元素质量分数可以估算伴生组分V的质量分数.利用Matlab软件的可视化功能,绘制了Fe-Ti-V元素质量分数的三维立体图,建立空间模型,发现Fe_2O_3T、TiO_2和V_2O_5品位较高的位置相对一致,均主要分布于研究区北部中间一带,富集在辉石岩中.该空间模型的建立有助于识别矿体和非矿体的分布范围和富集趋势,并进行成矿预测.此项研究对钒元素含量的精确估算和矿藏勘探有一定的指导意义.
A large-scale vanadium-titanium magnetite deposit closely related to the formation of the Early Permian large igneous province in the Tarim Basin was revealed in the Wajiritag area, Bachu County, Tarim Basin.According to multivariate statistical analysis, the Fe-Ti -V elements and some major elements of the data element correlation analysis of the elemental geochemistry.Using SPSS software for a large number of data correlation analysis and regression analysis to calculate the correlation coefficient between the elements of Fe, Ti, V three kinds of elements of the correlation The results show that there is a positive correlation between Fe, Ti and V in the deposit, and there is a negative correlation between metallogenic elements and rock-forming elements. The regression equation of the relationship between associated vanadium and iron and titanium is V = -4.984 + 0.360Fe + 0.984Ti, the mass fraction of Fe and Ti can be used to estimate the mass fraction of the associated component V. Using the visualization function of Matlab software, the three-dimensional map of the mass fraction of Fe-Ti-V element was drawn and the spatial model was found Fe 2 O 3 T, TiO 2 and V 2 O 5 have relatively high grade, which are mainly distributed in the middle of northern part of the study area and enriched in pyroxene rock.The establishment of this spatial model is helpful to identify ore body and non-ore body Distribution and enrichment trends, and metallogenic prognosis. This study of vanadium content and accurate estimates of mineral exploration have some significance.