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活跃在当今法国巴黎画坛的著名画家阿兰·邦内菲特(Alain Bonnefoit)1937年出生于巴黎蒙马尔特山腰。1953年入巴黎工艺学校学习3年,1956-1957年在巴黎国立美术学校学习1年,后来又在布鲁塞尔美术学校学习了2年。1961年回到巴黎,从师富尔迪专攻雕刻,二人至今友谊深厚。 1963年,邦内菲特发现托斯坎纳地方风光的魅力,被它的美丽的景色所吸引,曾一度醉心于风景画制作,但持续时间不长。 1964年,他发现了新的表现题材,即发现了裸妇的美,此后便对女裸体的创作追求一直锲而不舍。 1969年,邦内菲特在巴黎举办了大型个展,获得很大成功,反响强烈,受到艺术评论家们的高度赞扬,从此一跃而成为名闻遐迩的画家。 邦内菲特同时还从事石版画创作,是一位出色的插图画家。直至今日,他仍不断石版画书籍插图的绘制,从石版描绘到印刷完工,整个过程都亲自动手。 1973年,初次去日本即受到很大影响,对水墨画 Alain Bonnefoit, a famous painter active in today’s Paris, France, painting scene, was born in 1937 in the mountainside of Montmartre, Paris. In 1953, he studied in the Paris School of Technology for three years. From 1956 to 1957, he studied for one year at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris and then for two years in the Brussels Fine Arts School. Returning to Paris in 1961, specializing in carving from the division fuldi, the two so far profound friendship. In 1963, Bonnefit discovered the beauty of the local landscapes of Tuscany, attracted by its beautiful scenery, once a bit obsessed with landscape painting, but did not last long. In 1964, he discovered a new theme of performance, that is, discovering the beauty of nude women, and thereafter sincerely pursuing the pursuit of the creation of naked women. In 1969, Bonnefit held a large solo exhibition in Paris, with great success, strong repercussions, highly praised by art critics, jumped into a famous painter. Bonnefit also engaged in lithograph creation, is an excellent illustrator. Until today, he still continued to lithograph book illustrations, lithographs to the completion of the printing process, the whole process hands-on. In 1973, the first visit to Japan was greatly affected by the ink painting
酋瞬间(40。50) 静物(39 X 47.引 王家增铜版画作品 Emirates instant (40.50) still life (39 X 47. lead Wang Jiazeng copper engraving works