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我刊1997年第5期发表了刘真撰写的纪实文学《多一个染色体的故事》,此文发表后,康濯同志的夫人王勉思同志、田间同志的夫人葛文同志提出异议,认为此文对康濯、田间二同志进行了人身攻击与污蔑。接信后,编辑部十分重视,经研究,认为:刘真的文章《多一个染色体的故事》是回忆与总结过去年代里“左”的思潮对人的迫害的,但涉及到的具体人和事,编辑部没有找当事人调查,即发表了此文是错误的,应向当事人道歉:至于文中的事实如作进一步的深究或打官司,对双方老同志来说都是一件痛苦和更容易伤和气的事,为此,我们希望能发表王勉思、葛文同志所写的关于事实真相的文章,同时希望文章立足在摆清事实上,而不是互相人身攻击上,避免进一步激化矛盾,以求此事平稳妥善的解决。为此,本刊主编于1997年底进京当面约见了王勉思和葛文同志,并将以上意见告之二位老同志(同时送上了一份致歉信)。二位老同志对我们的态度和解决问题的办法表示赞同。因当时已过《长城》1998年1期发稿时间,谈妥在2期上发表,期间王勉思同志又修改过一次信件,因此,王勉思、葛文二同志的信件安排在本期发表。 I published in 1997 the fifth issue of Liu true literature “more than one chromosome story”, after the article was published, Comrade Wang Mian thinking Comrade Comrade, comrade Field Comrade Gewen objection, that this article on Kang Wo, field two comrades conducted personal attacks and slander. After receiving the letter, the editorial department attaches great importance to the research and believes that Liu Zhen's article “One more chromosome story” recalls and summarizes the persecution of people in the “Leftist” ideology of the past years, but it refers to the specific People and affairs, the editorial department did not find the parties to investigate, that published the article is wrong, should apologize to the parties: As for the text of the matter for further investigation or litigation, both old comrades are a pain and More vulnerable to injury. To this end, we hope we can publish articles written by Comrade Wang Miansi and Comrade Ge Wen on the truth and hope that the article will avoid further intensifying the contradictions on the basis of clarifying the facts instead of assaulting each other on personal attacks. For a smooth and proper settlement of the matter. To this end, our editor in chief at the end of 1997 met Wangmian Si and Ge Wen, and the above opinion to the two old comrades (also sent a letter of apology). The two old comrades agree with us on our attitude and the solution to the problem. Because at that time the Great Wall was released in 1998, it was agreed to publish it in two issues. During this period, Comrade Wang Mian-shi revised a letter once again. Therefore, Comrade Wang Nansi and Ge Wen-er's letters were published in this issue.
2月5日星期二晴今天,我到上海参观科技馆,神秘的科技旅游让我目不暇接。走进生物万象展区,我好象走进了奇妙的生物世界,刚踏进热带雨林区就看见一只叫蜂猴的小猴 Tuesday,
声誉管理(ReputationManagement)是赢得现代竞争的重要手段 ,应引起企业经营者的广泛关注和高度重视。一、声誉管理的内涵及其必要性“企业声誉”指一企业获得社会公众信任和赞美程度。“声誉管理”
20 0 2年 7月 1 5日我们都在写作文 ,教室里安静极了。突然 ,“嗝”的一声 ,打破了这个安静。同学们回头一看 ,原来是孙明。我以为是他在搞破坏 ,可过了一会儿 ,他又打了一个