一前言长寿花[Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv“TomThunb”]是景天科伽篮莱属多年生肉质草本。1983年以来,中国科学院植物研究所植物园温室组栽培引种成功,已成为一种极有发展前途的冬季室内花卉。一般人仅将它做为室内花卉栽培,这就使其大面积推广栽培受到限制。我们试图在非温室条件下,辅以一定的措施,
A Preface Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv “TomThunb” is a perennial fleshy herb of the genus Crataegus. Since 1983, the successful introduction and cultivation of greenhouse plants in the Botanical Garden of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences has become a very promising winter indoor flower. Most people only do it as an indoor flower cultivation, which makes its large-scale promotion of cultivation is limited. We try to be in non-greenhouse conditions, supplemented by certain measures,