本刊新年新主张 隆重开展“广告支持·科技扶贫·奉献爱心”大行动

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主编的话:“助人为乐,扶贫济困”是中华民族的传统美德。本刊作为专门服务“三农”的农业科普期刊,面对数千万还在贫困线上挣扎的农民,不能无动于衷。应该义不容辞地呼吁、号召,积极投身到我国的扶贫大业中来,为我们的农民朋友早日都过上幸福的小康生活尽绵薄之力。为此,本刊精心策划、特别组织,开展“广告支持·科技扶贫·奉献爱心”大行动,希望全国的涉农企业和富有爱心的企业家踊跃参加。就象一首歌里面唱的“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间”!也就有了—— The editor’s words: “helping others, helping the poor” is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. As a special agricultural science magazine that serves agriculture, rural areas and farmers, we can not remain indifferent to the tens of millions of peasants who are still struggling with the poverty line. They should unshirkily called for and called for and actively engaged in the great cause of poverty alleviation in our country so as to make a happy and prosperous life possible for our peasant friends as soon as possible. To this end, the journal carefully planned and organized a special campaign to launch the “Advertising Support, Science and Technology Poverty Alleviation and Love” campaign and hoped that agricultural-related enterprises and caring entrepreneurs across the country would participate in the activity. Like a song sung inside “as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world!” Then there -
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