Chengxian County is located in the west of the Huicheng Basin in Longnan Mountain, south of the Western Qinling Mountains. It belongs to the continental semi-humid climate and low-radiation and oligo-sunshine area. The annual average rainfall of 637.0 mm, the annual average temperature of 11.9 ℃, ≥ 10 ℃ active accumulated temperature of 3764 ℃, the average frost-free period of 211 days, the annual sunshine hours of 1795 hours, the total solar radiation 106-107 kcal / cm ~ 2. During the growth of multiple cropping soybean, the average precipitation of 413.8 mm in July, August, September and October was 38.7 kcal / cm 2 for solar radiation and 2274 ° C for ≥10 ℃. Light, heat, water and other climatic conditions are adequate, suitable for the development of cropping soybean, the masses also have the traditional planting