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手术室的无菌持物钳浸泡器的规范化是保证手术无菌操作的重要环节。铺无菌台时需用两个无菌容器盛放两把无菌持物钳进行操作,使用两个无菌容器虽然符合无菌要求,但在长期的使用过程中存在诸多不合理之处,如工作量大,清毒液耗费多,且容易污染等缺点,给工作带来种种不便。因此,作者根据无菌持物钳的特点和使用要求,经过反复临床实验,设计出可同时浸泡两把无菌持物钳的容器,既符合无菌原则,又便于操作,减少污染环节,最适合于手术室应用。 1.设计与研制 (1)为了在一个容器内同时放置两把持物钳,该容器在中间分隔开成为两个互不相通的容器,符合无 The standardization of the sterile holding clamp incubator in the operating room is an important part of aseptic operation. When aseptically standing, two sterile containers are used to hold two sterile holders. Although two sterile containers meet the aseptic requirements, there are many unreasonable reasons in the long-term use, such as Due to the large workload, depletion of liquid venom, and the risk of contamination, it brings inconvenience to the work. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the aseptic grippers and the use requirements of the aseptic grippers, the author designed a container that can simultaneously soak two aseptic clamps after repeated clinical trials, which not only conforms to the principle of asepsis, but also facilitates operation, reduces pollution, and is most suitable for Operating room applications. 1. Design and development (1) In order to place two holding pliers in a container at the same time, the container is separated in the middle to become two mutually unconnected containers.
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