牢固树立绿水青山就是金山银山发展理念 努力开创绿色可持续发展的美好明天——在2015中国国际石油化工大会上的致辞

来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:radicafrank
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绿色可持续发展是发展方式的重大变革,是石油和化工行业实现转型升级的必然要求。2014年,中国石油和化学工业主营业务收入达到14.05万亿元,多种产品产量位居世界前列,但行业发展的深层次矛盾也进一步凸显,高投入、高消耗、高排放的粗放式工业化老路已难以为继,必须要从发展理念、技术创新、资源节约、质量标准、安全环保、员工健康等方面实现全方位变革,走出一条资源消耗少、技术含量高、质量效益好的新型工业化的新路子,推动行业发展向产业价值链高端跃升,实现由石油和化学工业大国向强国的 Green sustainable development is a major change in the mode of development and an inevitable requirement for the oil and chemical industry to achieve its transformation and upgrading. In 2014, the revenue from principal operations of China’s oil and chemical industry reached 14.05 trillion yuan, with the output of various products among the highest in the world. However, the deep-seated contradictions in the development of the industry were further highlighted. The extensive industrialization of high input, high consumption and high emission The old road has been unsustainable. We must make all-round changes in terms of development concept, technological innovation, resource conservation, quality standards, safety and environmental protection, employee health and so on, so as to get out of a new type of industrialization with less resource consumption, high technical content and good quality and efficiency New path to promote the industrial development to the industrial value chain jumped to the high end, from the oil and chemical industry to power the country
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通过对硝基苯胺生产过程的污染产生情况的分析 ,并根据实际生产厂的污染治理措施与管理对策的实践 ,分析与介绍了对硝基苯胺生产过程中的污染防治措施、对策及清洁生产的经验