Jixian Welfare Town Fuxin Village is located in the welfare town of Jixian County. The village has a total of 467 households, 17330 people, the existing 2550 acres of arable land. 8 village-run enterprises, 135 individual owners. In 1997, per capita annual net income was 2,680 yuan, 15 times the per capita income in 1987. In 1997 the county party committee was awarded the advanced branch, civilized village construction county-level pacesetter, while the county government named “well-off village.” First, Fuxin Village before and after the establishment of files For many years, Fuxin Village in the economic construction at the same time, attaches great importance to the file management, and actively develop archival information resources, received a very good social and economic benefits. Practices have made this village aware of economic development