Q=ZEST A=罗赫特罗赫特深圳福田香格里拉酒店饼房厨师长Q:感觉这几年国际上最流行的甜品趋势是什么?A:尺寸越来越小,卖相越来越精致,品种和味道更多样化,颜色也更鲜艳。Q:品尝甜品时有什么讲究?A:甜品买回家应该在4个小时之内马上吃掉,每一口都要从上到下包含所有的材料,不然就可能会太酸或太甜。甜点里的相对论作为一个走南闯北的厨师,不断将各地饮食特色融入创作是必然,但也极易引起多元的文化冲突。在20年的经验中,罗赫特逐渐形成一套既博采众长、又带有个人标签的风格。罗式甜点,最常见的元素,是色彩明丽、风味自然的水果,与浓度不同的巧克力。
Q = ZEST A = Head chef at Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, LuoQuochute Q: What is the trend of the most popular dessert in the world in recent years? A: The size is getting smaller and smaller, Variety and taste more diverse, more vibrant colors. Q: What’s the point of savoring a dessert? A: Desserts should be eaten right away within 4 hours. Each should contain all the ingredients from top to bottom or it may be too sour or too sweet. The theory of relativity in dessert, as a chef to go to the south, constantly incorporates the dietary features of different regions into the creative work. However, it can easily lead to multiple cultural conflicts. In 20 years of experience, Roht gradually formed a set of both gifted publicity, but also with a personal label style. The most common element of the Rolls-Royce Dessert, is a brightly colored, naturally flavored fruit, with a different concentration of chocolate.