各省、自治区、直辖市质量技术监督局,国务院有关部门标准化机构,各全国直属专业标准化技术委员会: 为加强行业标准的管理,使标准用户及时获取行业标准的出版发行信息,现将行业标准的主管部门、出版发行单位的地址和联系电话等信息告知你们,并请通知本地区、本系统的标准化情报、咨询、服务等有关机构。附件:行业标准出版发行单位国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年六月三十日
The departments of quality and technical supervision of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the standardization agencies of the relevant departments under the State Council, and the professional technical committees directly under the country: in order to strengthen the management of industrial standards and enable standard users to timely obtain industry-standard publishing and distribution information, , The address of the publishing and distribution unit and contact telephone number and other information to inform you, and please inform the region, the system of standardized intelligence, consulting, services and other relevant agencies. Attachment: Industry Standards Publication and Issuing Authority Standardization Division of the State Quality and Technical Supervision June 30, 2000