Patient, female, 1 year old. The main intermittent pale complexion with cold sweat, loss of appetite for three months and admitted to hospital. Physical examination: little heart, heart rate 210 beats / min, law, no noise. ECG showed: P wave law, ventricular rate of 250 beats / min, PR interval of 0.08 seconds, QRS complex was supraventricular tachycardia, the time limit of 0.06 seconds, QT interval of 0.18 seconds, T wave in Ⅰ, Ⅱ, aVF lead Low flat. ECG diagnosis: paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Given digoxin 0.07mgl times / day treatment, 15 days after the review of ECG, showed: sinus P wave regularity, ventricular rate 97 beats / min, PR interval of 0.16 seconds, QRS complex was supraventricular, time limit of 0.08 Seconds, QT interval of 0.40 seconds, PR interval in V_3 lead> 0.12 seconds, PR interval in V_5 lead shortened to 0.08 seconds, R wave blunt start, like “δ” wave and secondary ST- T changed. ECG diagnosis: sinus arrhythmia with paroxysmal WPW syndrome.