HIV Infected / AIDS Patient Archives refer to medical exams, treatments, and follow-up materials formed during the medical management of this particular group. Whenever one case of HIV / AIDS is detected, basic information about the individual, spouse’s and children’s detection information, high-risk behavior information, etc. will be collected in accordance with the regulations. In the latter part of the medical management, some immunological checklists will be formed, Case and treatment follow-up form, spouse intervention table. From 1996 to 2012, we have established 409 personal files of HIV-infected persons in the 17 years between 1996 and 2012. We have some accumulated experiences and want to share with colleagues. There are also some ideas and discussions with colleagues. 1 data collection and documentation: the formation of data is AIDS prevention and control staff in the testing, management forms formed in the form, report card, proof of identity and so on. HIV