走近学生 走进心灵——浅谈如何开展班主任工作,提高教学质量

来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MUWANG
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班主任工作是一所学校工作质量的缩影。可以说,学校的全部工作都与班主任有关。班主任工作质量,直接影响着学校的工作质量。因此,身为班主任的我们要想方设法地让班主任工作顺利开展,从而提高教学的质量。 Class teacher work is a microcosm of the quality of a school work. It can be said that all the work of the school is related to the class teacher. The quality of the work of the class director, directly affects the quality of the work of the school. Therefore, as a teacher in charge of a class, we must try our best to ensure the success of the class teacher so that the quality of teaching can be improved.