The Palaeoclimate Variations in the Central Plains Since the Interstade of the Last Glacial Stage

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgr2020
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Through the study of a high-resolution loess record in the Central Plains, the short-term palaeoclimatic variations since the interstade of the last glacial stage have been discussed in this paper. The palaeoclimate in the East Asian monsoon areas shows different variation patterns in summer and winter. A correlation of the palaeomonsoon records of loess with the δ18O records of the ice core and deep sea is made, and some of the causes for their differences are also discussed. Through the study of a high-resolution loess record in the Central Plains, the short-term palaeoclimatic variations since the interstade of the last glacial stage have been discussed in this paper. The palaeoclimate in the East Asian monsoon areas shows different variation patterns in summer and winter. A correlation of the palaeomonsoon records of loess with the δ18O records of the ice core and deep sea is made, and some of the causes for their differences are also discussed.
THE Shangmanggang gold deposit is located at the southwestern corner of Yunnan, China. The deposit occurs along the southwest-trending Shangmanggang Fault. Nea
檄,本指书写公文的木简。檄文是古代用于征召、晓谕的政府公告或声讨、揭发罪行等的文书,现在也指战斗性强的批判、声讨文章。檄文的产生是古代战争的结果,也是古代人民智慧的象征。檄文类似于现在的征军入伍的公告或是战争告捷的公告,而在古代更多是为了通过宣扬己方的善德和正义性,揭露陈述对方的罪恶,最终达到抢占舆论先机、实施政治攻心、凝聚军心士气的效果。  檄,最初的表达形式是口头传授,奴隶社会初期社会还未开化
2011年9月22日,云南省期刊协会在省新闻出版局大会议室召开省期刊协会2011年年会暨迎国庆座谈会。会议由副会长兼秘书长、省新闻出版局新闻报刊管理处处长刘水云同志主持, O