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6月21日,精明的出版商在吊足了全球哈利迷的胃口后,适时地推出了《哈利·波特》系列图书的第五集《哈利·波特与凤凰令》(HarryPotter and the Order of thePhoenix)的英文本,并在全球同步销售。这部声称“为读者构筑了一个新的激情历险之旅”的魔幻小说当天就在世界各地销售了75万册,此后销售势头一直不减,成为本年度最为火爆的超级畅销书。一时之间,新闻媒体惊呼“出版界没有人经历过这种情形,至少从3年前上一部《哈利·波特》出版至今是如此。” 据统计,《哈利·波特》前4部书的总销量已达1.92亿册,已至少有55种语言的译本,在超过200个国家畅销。由人民文学出版社出版的《哈利·波特》前4部的中文版平装本发行530万册,精装本7万套。《哈利·波特与凤凰令》共38章,25.5万字,与《哈利·波特》系列第4部《哈利·波特与火焰杯》相比,篇幅长了1/3。有了前四部书的销售业绩,《哈利·波特与凤凰令》的畅销几乎是意料之中的,但却没有想到会刮起如此剧烈的“畅销”风暴。这固然与《哈利·波特》前4部系列图书的畅销以及作者的知名度有很大关系。但不可否认的是,出版商和销售商可圈可点的营销手段也起到了十分关键的作用。可以看出,在这次的营销过程中,网络媒体一如既往地发挥了它的宣传和销售优势。 以网 On June 21, after savvy appetite for the global Harry fans, savvy publishers released the fifth episode of the Harry Potter series in the series entitled Harry Potter and the Phoenix Order and the Order of thePhoenix) in English, and simultaneously in the global sales. This fantastic novel, which claims to have “created a new passionate journey for readers,” sold 750,000 copies around the world the same day, and sales have been declining ever since, making it the hottest best seller of the year. For a time, the news media exclaimed, “No one in the publishing industry has ever experienced such a situation, at least since the publication of the last Harry Potter three years ago.” According to statistics, “Harry Potter” The first four books have sold 192 million books and have been translated in at least 55 languages ​​and sold well in more than 200 countries. Published by the People’s Literature Publishing House << Harry Potter >> the first four Chinese version of the paperback issued 5.3 million hardcover 70,000 sets. The Harry Potter and the Phoenix Order 38 chapters, 255,000 words, and the “Harry Potter” series 4 “Harry Potter and the Cup of Fire”, the length of 1/3. With the sales of the first four books, the bestselling of the Harry Potter and the Phoenix Order was almost unexpected, but did not expect such a drastic “best-selling” storm. This, of course, is closely related to the popularity of the first four series of books by Harry Potter and the author’s popularity. However, it is undeniable that the remarkable marketing tactics of publishers and sellers have also played a crucial role. It can be seen in this marketing process, as always, online media has played its promotional and sales advantages. To the network
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