本文报道186例原发性高血压危险因素病例对照研究结果。通过28项危险因素配对调查,用 Logistic 多元逻辑回归模型分析,两性共有的前六项主要危险因素依次为:生活事件、成食、体力活动少、A 型性格、高胆固醇和肥胖,两性特有的主要危险因素:男性为烟、酒嗜好和工作紧张;女性为绝经年龄早。作者就以上结果进行了讨论分析。
This article reports 186 cases of primary hypertension risk factors case-control study. Through the analysis of 28 risk factors, using Logistic multiple logistic regression analysis, the top six common risk factors were as follows: life events, eating habits, less physical activity, type A personality, high cholesterol and obesity, The main risk factors: men are tobacco, alcohol hobby and work stress; women are menopause early. The author conducted a discussion and analysis on the above results.