不知不觉,扩版后的《青春方阵》已经1岁了。 这一年,《青春方阵》是幸运的。是作者们牵着她的手,是读者们用温暖的目光呵护她关注她,她才蹒跚学步、摇摇晃晃地成长起来。走到今天,她想衷心地向大家说一声:谢谢您! 这一年,《青春方阵》在千千万万绿色青春的陪伴下,一起走过了抗击非典病魔的艰难日子,一起经历了飞天梦圆时刻的激动心情,共同探索着军旅人生的理想和道路,娓娓诉说着平凡生活中点点滴滴的欢笑和泪水……她的心愿,就是描绘一座五彩的军营,打开一扇缤纷的窗口,开辟一片
Unconsciously, after the expansion of the “youth square” has been 1 year old. This year, “Youth Square” is lucky. Is the author holding her hand, the reader with a warm eye care her attention to her, she was toddler, staggered to grow up. Today, she would like to say sincerely to all of you: Thank you! This year, with the support of tens of millions of green youth, Youth Square passed through the difficult days of combating atypical pneumonia and experienced together Flying dreams moment of excitement, to explore the ideal of military life and the road, tells the story of ordinary life bit by bit in the laughter and tears ... ... Her wish is to depict a multicolored barracks, open a colorful Window, open up one