香港廉政公署 澄清了一池浑水

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1974年廉政公署(ICAC)成立以前,香港曾是个贪腐盛行的社会。廉署成立后短短数年,香港便跻身全球最清廉地区之列,目前在“透明国际”180个国家和地区排名中位居第十二位,在亚洲则仅次于新加坡。与之相应,香港廉署也走过了从最初被质疑到很快确立强大公信力的过程。在相关的系列民调中,香港公众对廉署的信心始终维持在90%左右,对廉署工作的支持度则超过99%.1974年2月15日香港廉政公署正式成立,恰如良医诊病,一下捏住了政府机构的瘤疾所在,香港由此才真正迎来了廉洁的黄金时代,成功地实现由乱到治的历史性转变,并成为公认的世界最廉洁的地区之一。香港廉署破案如神,并能屡屡扳倒高官,令腐败分子闻风丧胆,其反贪经验引起了全球关注,反贪模式也为全球反贪机构所效仿。可以说,精确的职能定位、合理的制度设计、严格的法律规定和科学的程序保险,为香港成就“廉政品牌”奠定了坚实的基础。香港廉政公署是根据《廉政公署条例》成立的。它独立于香港政府的架构,廉政专员则直接向行政长官负责。根据《香港特别行政区基本法》,廉署位于香港特别行政区全权种有处理一切反贪污的工作。廉政公署由三个部门组成:执行处,防止贪污处和社区关系处。这三个部门的工作分别是调查,预防和教育,三管齐下对抗贪污,为香港长期繁荣稳定打下坚实基础。 Before the establishment of the ICAC in 1974, Hong Kong was once a corrupt society. In just a few short years after the founding of the ICAC, Hong Kong ranks among the cleanest regions in the world. Currently, it ranks 12th out of 180 countries and regions in Transparency International and second only to Singapore in Asia. Correspondingly, the Hong Kong ICAC has also gone through the process of being challenged from the very beginning to establishing a strong credibility soon. In the relevant series of polls, Hong Kong’s public confidence in the ICAC has remained at about 90%, while the support for the work of the ICAC is more than 99%. February 15, 1974 Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption was formally established, just as good medical consultation As a result, Hong Kong has ushered in a golden era of cleanliness, succeeded in achieving a historic change from chaos to rule, and has become one of the most honest areas in the world that is universally acknowledged. Hong Kong’s ICAC has been able to crack down on cases and repeatedly disqualify its top officials, leaving corrupt elements fearless. The anti-corruption experience has drawn global attention. The anti-corruption model has also been followed by global anti-corruption agencies. It can be said that precise functional orientation, rational system design, strict legal provisions and scientific procedural insurance have laid a solid foundation for Hong Kong’s achievements in “clean government brand.” The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption is established under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance. It is independent of the structure of the Hong Kong government and the Commissioner of Independent Commission Against is directly responsible to the Chief Executive. According to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the ICAC is located in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with all its authority to deal with all anti-corruption work. The ICAC is made up of three departments: the Executive Office, the Corruption Prevention Department and the Community Relations Office. The three departments are investigating, preventing and educating respectively the work of three departments to combat corruption and lay a solid foundation for the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
在香港讨生活的外国人很多,大约30万人从事家政服务,其中菲佣占了很大一部分。有些菲佣要求在港永久居留,要向在港工作的外国专业人士看齐——此类人士在港居住七年之后,可以申请永久居住权。香港终审法院就此做出判决:菲佣无权申请永久居住。斩钉截铁,没有回旋余地,但其理由似乎有些勉强。  菲佣的入境签证注明,签证到期后持有人必须离开香港,而且签证持有人的家人不能同来香港。法官的理由是,因为签证类型不同,决定
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