
来源 :江苏食品与发酵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghui1234567890
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1、除菜籽油怪味 用菜籽油炒菜时,先将油倒在锅里炸一次花生米,再用来炒菜就无怪味,而且炒出的菜香喷喷。 2、除河鱼土腥味 塘、沟、小河里的鱼,常有浓重的土腥味。烹制前放在盐水里浸泡一会,即可除去。 3、除炸鱼油腥味 炸过鱼的食油常有一股腥味,用来炒菜时先倒入锅内烧热,投放少许葱段、姜片和花椒,炸焦后离火,再抓一把面粉撒入热油中。面粉受热糊化沉淀,然后用纱布过滤,食油腥味就可除去。 4、除羊肉膻味 煮羊肉时,锅里除加点醋或放一两个胡萝卜可除膻味以外,如加些咖喱粉(每千克羊肉加20克),也同样可以除膻。 5、除羊奶膻味 在煮羊奶时,放入一小撮茉莉花茶叶。待煮开后撇去茶叶,羊奶即无膻味。 6、除猪肺腥味 取白酒50克,从肺管里慢慢倒入肺中。然后轻轻拍打两肺,让酒渗入到肺的各个支气管里。放置半小时,灌入清水拍洗,腥 1, except for rapeseed oil rameseed with rapeseed oil cooking, the first oil down the pan fried peanuts, and then used to cooking no smell, and stir-fried vegetables spicy. 2, in addition to fish fishy pond, ditch, small river fish, often strong smell of soil. Soak in salt water for a while before cooking to remove. 3, in addition to the fish oil smell fried oil often have a smell of cooking oil, when used to stir-fried vegetables into the pot before the heat, put a little scallion, ginger and pepper, after the charred from the fire, then grab a Sprinkle flour into hot oil. Gelatinized flour precipitation by heat, and then filtered with gauze, oil smell can be removed. 4, in addition to lamb mutton boiled mutton, the pot in addition to add some vinegar or put a carrot or two can be removed except smell, such as add some curry powder (per kilogram of lamb plus 20 grams), the same can be removed 膻. 5, in addition to goat milk smell when boiled goat milk, put a handful of jasmine tea. To be boiled after skimming tea, goat milk that is no smell. 6, in addition to the smell of pig lung smell take 50 grams, slowly from the lungs into the lungs. Then gently tap the two lungs, so that the wine infiltrated into the bronchus of the lungs. Place for half an hour, pour in clean water, wash, fishy
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目前珍珠市场仿珍珠多,所以购买时应特别小心。省宝石研究所高工、宝石鉴定师王兆周谈起珍珠挑选时,提醒消费者注意以下几点。 (1)目前市场所售的珍珠多为人工养殖珍珠。人
胃粘液细胞癌子宫内膜转移1例温黎,曲保清(德州市人民医院山东 253014)患者女,42岁。因腹痛、腰痛及阴道不规则流血40余天,加重2天,以功血、失血性贫血收入院。妇科检查:阴道内有较多陈旧性血块