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学习期间搞社会实践,恰逢全国人大伍副主任到山西调查研究,我有幸加入了随行队伍同上五台山。伍副主任是彝族人,参加革命后为便于同志们好记好称呼,故起了个汉族名字—伍精华,曾任四川省人大常委会副主任、西藏自治区党委书记、国家民委主任等职,现任全国人大民族委员会副主任委员。7月19日早饭后出发,有警车开道,行速很快。车窗外掠过的色调使我印象深刻,黄中间绿,那是黄土高坡的基调,不断掠过的黑色点缀,那是山西的特色——煤堆或者是运煤车。说说笑笑中认识了同行的诸君,全国人大民委伍副主任一行5人,陪同人员有山西省人大农委副主任遆星亮,山西省民族 Social practice during the study period, coincides with the deputy director of the National People’s Congress to Shanxi investigation and study, I was fortunate enough to join the accompanying team Ibid. Wu is the deputy director of the Yi people, joined the revolution in order to facilitate the comrades remember good address, it became a Han name - Wu Jinghua, served as deputy director of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress, Tibet Autonomous Region Party committee secretary, director of the National Civil Affairs Committee , The current vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Committee. July 19 departure after breakfast, a police car clear the road, the line speed soon. I was impressed with the hue passing through the window and the green in the middle of the yellow, which is the tone of the Loess Plateau and the black embellishment constantly passing by, which is characteristic of Shanxi - coal heap or coal car. Laugh in the understanding of the peer peer, deputy director of the National People’s Congress Wu line of five people, accompanied by Shanxi Provincial People’s Congress Nongxing Liang, deputy director, the people of Shanxi Province
为了确定在控制性超排卵 (COH )中重组卵泡刺激素(FSH)两种固定剂量的效果。作者从 1998年 6月至 1999年 9月在 15个体外受精 (IVF)诊所对重组 FSH每日固定剂量 15 0IU或 2 5
To accelerate self-healing speed of epoxy materials,epoxy-SbF_5 cure was introduced into the healing chemistry.Due to the high activity of SbF_5,a milder SbF_5-
今日美国第一夫人原来是一位图书馆员,对图书馆事业情有独钟。她曾说过,她的终身承诺是帮助孩子们学会阅读和成功。 Today, the First Lady of the United States was a lib
虽然子宫颈癌的手术和 /或放射治疗取得了很大成功 ,但仍有部分患者特别是局部肿瘤较大、有周围组织播散或远处转移的患者 ,初治后易出现局部肿瘤未控、复发及转移 ,因此人们