外科治疗病态性肥胖及2型糖尿病(type 2diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是20世纪80年代新兴的一种治疗方式。中国肥胖和糖尿病外科治疗始于2000年,近年来我国减重和代谢外科手术数量迅猛增长,随之也出现诸多问题。由于有些开展手术的医院及术者缺乏规范化培训,故对于手术适应证、手术方式的选择、手术操作要点的掌握等并不一致。《中国肥胖和2型糖尿病外科治疗指南(2014版)》
Surgical treatment of morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM) is a new kind of treatment in the 1980s. The surgical treatment of obesity and diabetes in China started in 2000. In recent years, the number of weight loss and metabolic surgeries in our country has been rapidly increasing. As a result, many problems have emerged. Due to the lack of standardized training for some hospitals and surgeons operating surgeries, the indications for surgery, the choice of surgical methods and the mastery of surgical procedures are not the same. “Chinese Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Surgical Treatment Guide (2014 Edition)”