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目的观察区域性部队离退休干部健康体检状况及各种慢性疾病患病率,以便建立健康档案。方法体检项目包括内、外、眼、耳鼻喉和口腔科;检验包括血常规、肝功能、空腹血糖、血脂、乙肝表面抗原等项目。检查包括腹部B超,心脏彩超,X线胸片;X线胸片异常者复查胸部CT,体检异常者均由相关临床医师按照有关疾病诊断标准进行复查确诊,并做相关统计分析。结果检出前10位疾病为前列腺增生、高脂血症、高血压、白内障、慢性支气管炎、冠心病、高尿酸血症、糖尿病、肺气肿、慢性胃炎,其中>65岁几乎为多种疾病并存。其他疾病检出稍低。<54岁慢性疾病患病率较低,随着年龄增长,各种慢性疾病的患病率均明显升高,有些疾病发病率明显与年龄呈正相关。结论慢性疾病已成为常见疾病,前列腺增生患病率在老年中较高。各种慢性疾病患病率随年龄的增长而明显增高。因此,加强中老年人群的健康教育,调整生活方式,对一些危险因素做到早发现、早预防,降低疾病的发生是目前保健和预防医疗服务的主要任务。 Objective To observe the status of health examination and the prevalence of various chronic diseases among retired cadres of regional armed forces in order to establish a health record. Methods Physical examination items included internal and external eye, ENT and dentistry. The tests included blood routine, liver function, fasting blood glucose, blood lipids and HBsAg. Check including abdominal B ultrasound, echocardiography, X-ray; X-ray abnormal chest CT, physical examination were diagnosed by the relevant clinicians in accordance with diagnostic criteria for disease diagnosis and do related statistical analysis. Results The top 10 diseases detected were benign prostatic hyperplasia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cataracts, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, hyperuricemia, diabetes, emphysema and chronic gastritis. Diseases co-exist. Other diseases detected slightly lower. <54-year-old chronic disease prevalence is low, with age, the prevalence of various chronic diseases were significantly increased, and some diseases were significantly associated with age was positively correlated. Conclusion Chronic diseases have become common diseases, and the prevalence of benign prostatic hyperplasia is higher in the elderly. The prevalence of various chronic diseases increased significantly with age. Therefore, it is the main task of health care and preventive medical services to strengthen health education and adjust life style of middle-aged and elderly people, find early on some risk factors, prevent early and reduce the incidence of diseases.
从生育期、产量构成因素、产量等方面对引进的向日葵新品种进行分析总结,并筛选出适合当地种植的当家品种和搭配品种。 From the growth period, yield components, yield a
[Objective] The aim of this study was to screen Saccharomyces for glutathione over-production. [Method] Ethionine-resistant mutants were obtained through UV mut