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每年的4月25日是澳大利亚的公众假日,被称为“澳新军团日”。这是纪念1915年第一次世界大战期间,在加里波利之战中牺牲的澳大利亚将士的日子。在那次战役中,澳大利亚部队损失惨重,并未取得战斗的胜利。但参战部队英勇顽强,为国牺牲的勇敢精神,却永恒地留在了澳大利亚的史册里,并成为澳大利亚民族精神的象征。可以说,在澳大利亚民族传统中,没有任何一种比澳新军团日更为特殊和受到珍视。澳新军团日在澳大利亚历史和文化中占有重要的地位,它标志着澳大利亚民族意识和民族认同的诞生,意味着澳大利亚作为一个真正的民族国家的开始。当1914年澳洲参战的时候,许多白种澳大利亚 April 25 each year is a public holiday in Australia, known as the “ANZF Day”. This is the day to commemorate the sacrifice of Australian soldiers in the Battle of Gallipoli during the First World War of 1915. During that campaign, the Australian forces suffered heavy losses and did not win the battle. However, the courageous spirit of being brave and indignant and sacrificing sacrifice for the country was left forever in the annals of Australia and became a symbol of Australia’s national spirit. It can be said that none of the Australian national traditions is more special and valued than the ANZAC Day. The ANZAC Day occupies an important position in the history and culture of Australia. It marks the birth of Australia’s national consciousness and national identity, which marks the beginning of Australia as a truly nation-state. When Australia entered the war in 1914, many white Australians