春季防病药物选择要慎重据国内外资料证实,正常人的血脂水平一年四季不是一成不变的,血清甘油三酯水平以春季最高、秋季最低,血清胆固醇水平以冬季最高,夏季最低, 冬夏二季有显著差异。春季是中老年患者疾病的高发季
The selection of disease-prevention drugs in spring should be carefully based on domestic and international data. Normal blood lipid levels are not constant throughout the year. Serum triglyceride levels are highest in spring and lowest in autumn. Serum cholesterol levels are highest in winter and lowest in summer. There are winter and summer seasons. Significant differences. Spring is a high season for diseases in middle-aged and elderly patients