美刊《政治科学年评》(Annual Review of Political Science)2002年第5卷刊登了美国西北大学政治学教授亨德里克·斯普拉伊特(Hendrik Spruyt)题为《现代国家的起源、发展和可能发生的衰落》的文章。该文认为,当代一些国家似乎遵从着一种聚合动力学,这种动力学通过大规模的区域联系将它们集合到了一起,而另外一些国家则深受让它们分裂的离心力之害,同时贸易和金融全球化使所有国家的自主性都遇到了问题。
The fifth issue of the Annual Review of Political Science in the United States published in volume 5 of Hendrik Spruyt, professor of political science at Northwestern University, entitled “The Origins and Development of Modern Countries And possible decline ”article. The paper argues that some contemporary countries seem to follow a kind of aggregation dynamics that brings them together through large-scale regional ties while others are greatly affected by the centrifugal forces that divide them. At the same time, trade and Financial globalization has created problems for the autonomy of all countries.