
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangys
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为了研究那氏778诱导剂浸种后冬小麦的增产机理,采用14C示踪技术研究了那氏778诱导剂浸种对冬小麦14C同化物的生产及运转分配的影响,结果表明,那氏778诱导剂浸种可显著提高冬小麦苗期、拔节期和灌浆期各器官及整株的相对光合强度和光合物质同化量。苗期各叶位叶片和整株的相对光合强度分别提高30.00%~43.00%和30.89%,整株光合物质同化量增加45.02%;拔节期展开叶、未展开叶和整株的相对光合强度分别提高30.41%、26.02%和31.81%,整株光合物质同化量增加47.06%;灌浆期叶片、叶鞘、节间的相对光合强度分别提高18.05%、17.00%、17.51%,整株相对光合强度提高31.37%,光合同化量增加65.08%。那氏778诱导剂浸种的小麦在生育前期以提高展开叶和冠层上部各器官的同化能力为主,生育后期在冠层下部弱光条件下各光合器官同化能力的提高更为明显。那氏778诱导剂浸种还提高了冬小麦的同化物向穗部、根系等输入的比例,生育前期(苗期)主要以向根系和未展开叶输入为主,分配比例分别提高4.06和2.46个百分点;生育后期(灌浆期)主要以向穗部输入为主,分配比例提高10.5个百分点,这有利于促进小麦的生长发育,为小麦的高产奠定了基础。 In order to study the mechanism of winter wheat yield increase after soaking 778 inducer, 14C tracer technique was used to study the effect of 778 inducer soaking on the production and distribution of 14C assimilate in winter wheat. The results showed that soaking 778 inducer could Significantly increased relative photosynthetic intensity and photosynthetic assimilation of organs and whole plant at seedling stage, jointing stage and grain filling stage of winter wheat. The relative photosynthetic intensities of leaves and whole plant at seedling stage increased by 30.00% -43.00% and 30.89%, respectively, and the photosynthetic assimilation amount increased by 45.02%. The relative photosynthetic intensities of unfolded leaves and whole plant at jointing stage were respectively The relative photosynthetic intensity of leaves, sheaths and internodes increased by 18.05%, 17.00% and 17.51%, respectively, and the relative photosynthetic intensity of the whole plant increased by 31.37% and 30.41%, 26.02% and 31.81% %, Photosynthetic assimilation increased by 65.08%. The soaking seeds of 778 inducer enhanced the assimilation ability of organs in the upper leaves and upper canopies in the early growth period, and the assimilation ability of photosynthetic organs was more obvious in the lower canopy under low light. The soaking of Naphthalene 778 inducer also increased the proportion of winter wheat assimilates input to the ear, root system, etc. The earlier stage of growth (seedling stage) was mainly dominated by roots and unexpanded leaves, and the distribution ratio increased by 4.06 and 2.46 percentage points respectively . During later growth period (filling period), the main input to the spikes was the distribution ratio increased 10.5 percentage points, which is conducive to promoting the growth and development of wheat and laying a foundation for the high yield of wheat.
1 病例介绍rn  患者,男性,27岁。因胸骨后疼痛,吞咽时加重3个月于1995-04-13收入院。3月前患者无明显原因的出现胸骨后持续性锐痛,进食加重并牵涉到两侧肋部,伴频繁吐出一些粘
患者 男 ,15岁。长时间走路感腰痛、尿频。查体 ,左下腹压痛。B超检查 :右肾位置正常 ;左上腹未探及肾脏回声 ,于左髂嵴处探及 3cm× 4cm条形无回声区 ,光点分离。考虑左肾下垂伴
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患者 ,男 ,6个月。排尿呈滴状 6个月 ,排脓尿并发现腹部包块 10d入院。查体 :腹部膨隆 ,左中腹可触及 8.0cm× 6 .0cm× 5 .0cm大小包块 ,质中等。肝脾未触及。外阴部无畸形。排尿时