由中国科技促进发展研究中心组织的“希望工程效益评估”日前结束。调查评估结果表明:中国青基会发起并组织实施的希望工程,已经成为中国20世纪九十年代社会参与最广泛、最富影响的民间公益事业。 在过去的9年里,全国共有185万名失学儿童在希望工程的捐助下重返校园,有5300多所希望小学在贫困地区拔地而起。希望工程不仅改变了失学孩子的命运,让他们与同龄的孩子站到了同一起跑线上,而且开辟了一条动员社会力量支持、发展教育的路子,极大地促进了贫困地区基础教育的发展。 有人说,在百万受助学生中将产生一批能够改变家乡落后面貌的建设者,一批能够为社会作出卓越贡献的杰出人才。他们是中国社会发展、经济腾飞的希望!读了受助生杨铨的自述,我们有理由相信,百万受助学生不会让大家失望!
The “Project Benefit Evaluation” organized by the China Science and Technology Development Research Center ended recently. The survey results show that the Hope Project initiated and organized by China Youth Foundation has become the most widely participated and influential non-governmental public welfare undertaking in China in the 1990s. In the past nine years, a total of 1.85 million out-of-school children across the country have returned to their campuses with the Hope Project donation. More than 5,300 Hope Primary Schools have been established in poor areas. It is hoped that the project will not only change the fate of children who have dropped out of school but also allow them to stand on the same starting line with their children of the same age and open up a way of mobilizing social forces to support and develop education and greatly promote the development of basic education in impoverished areas. Some people say that there will be a batch of builders who can change the backwardness of their hometown and a group of outstanding talents who can make outstanding contributions to the society among millions of students who are aided. They are the hope for social development and economic growth in China. Having read the personal report of Yang Quan, the student aided, we have every reason to believe that millions of students will not let down!