A high-power tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer semiconductor laser diode

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyw0825
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A high power semiconductor laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer (MMI) cavity was designed and demonstrated.An output power as high as 32 mW was obtained for the novel laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active MMI cavity,being much higher than the 9.8 mW output power of the conventional single ridge F-P laser with the same material structure and the same device length due to the larger active area;and also being higher than the 21.2 mW output power of the rectangular and cascaded active MMI laser diode with nearly the same structure,except for the shape of the MMI area.In addition,the tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer laser showed stable single mode outputs up to the maximum output power. A high power semiconductor laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer (MMI) cavity was designed and demonstrated. An output power as high as 32 mW was obtained for the novel laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active MMI cavity, being much higher than the 9.8 mW output power of the conventional single ridge FP laser with the same material structure and the same device length due to the larger active area; and also being higher than the 21.2 mW output power of the rectangular and cascaded active MMI laser diode with nearly the same structure, except for the shape of the MMI area. In addition, the tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer laser showed stable single mode outputs up to the maximum output power.
片名虽然叫《闺蜜》,主线竟然是男人:为男人而挺身而出,为男人而反目成仇,又因为男人而言归于好……格局小得可怜,仿佛姑娘们的生活除了男人外便一片荒芜。为什么会这样?因為只有把责任全都推给男人,才能掩饰住她们自己的不成熟。  这是因为,她们虽然名义上是闺蜜,但其实每个人都在以自己为中心:仗着别人在乎自己就无休止地撒娇耍赖;以“替你着想”的名义干涉别人私生活;为了不落单而虚情假意地曲意逢迎……  说白了
A美国儿科医生巴萨姆经常从噩梦中惊醒;他的童年在中东,暴君父亲要他的哥哥(少年)枪杀一个俘虏,那人跪在地上苦苦哀求:“我还有孩子,求求你,我还有孩子!”  哥哥扔掉枪跑回吉普车上,掩面哭泣,他太小,太善良,下不了手。  父亲暴怒。  好在那只是一个童年的梦。  巴萨姆用跑步摆脱焦虑和恐惧。  B巴萨姆已经在美国娶妻生子,20年后,在妻子的劝说下,准备带家人回中东参加侄子的婚礼。他们匆匆忙忙赶到机场