Granular cell tumor of the common bile duct: A Japanese case

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nmjhurfdv
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Granular cell tumor (GCT) of the biliary system is rare. It is reported that it occurs more commonly in young black women. We report here our seldom experience of a Japanese case in whom icterus was found as a first symptom just after a caesarean operation. A 36-year-old Japanese woman developed icterus after delivery by the Caesarean operation. A surgical operation was performed without can deny that there was a tumor-related change in a bile duct as a result of examination for various images. As a result of pathological evaluation, GCT was diagnosed. By the preoperative organization biomicroscopy result, it was not able to be attachd a right diagnosis. It was thought that this tumor, although rare, should be considered as one of the causes of biliary stenosis in the younger population. It is reported that it occurs more commonly in young black women. We report here our seldom experience of a Japanese case in whom icterus was found as a first symptom just after a caesarean operation A 36-year-old Japanese woman developed icterus after delivery by the Caesarean operation. A surgical operation was performed without can deny that there was a tumor-related change in a bile duct as a result of examination for various images. As a result of the pathological evaluation, GCT was diagnosed. By the preoperative organization biomicroscopy result, it was not able to be attachd a right diagnosis. It was thought that this tumor, although rare, should be considered as one of the causes of biliary stenosis in younger population.
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