20年前读台湾余光中先生的散文集《鬼雨》是在朋友家的厕 所里,读着读着觉着在亵渎,遂带回家细品,美。若干年后读到余 秋雨的散文,一边读一边思忖,余老怎么就“堕落”了呢?玩起了 文字游戏,活像三流唱戏的,字正腔圆在其次,妆却描得有模有 样。后来发现是自己张冠李戴了。
Twenty years ago, I read a collection of essays by Mr. Yu Kwang-chung from Taiwan, “Ghost Rain”, which is read in my friend’s toilet and read and read in profane. A few years later, I read Yu Qiuyu’s essay, while reading while thinking, how old I “fall” it? Played a word game, like live in third-rate singing, the word is right and wrong, followed by makeup but it looks like a model. Later discovered that he was wearing a crown.