葡萄番茄又名樱桃番茄,原产于英国。果实稍大于巨丰葡萄,每穗几十粒不等,穗形近似葡萄,果实可采收到下霜,植株高2米以上,株产7~10公斤,亩产10吨以上,以穗型美、品质好、耐贮运等优点,深受消费者欢迎。 一、选地施肥。选择地势高燥、土壤肥沃、疏松、2~3年未种过蔬菜的地块。亩施腐熟的农家肥7000公斤,磷酸铵20公斤,硫酸钾15公斤,或氮磷钾复合肥30公斤。三分之二的肥整地时施入,三分
Also known as grape tomato cherry tomato, native to the United Kingdom. Fruit slightly larger than Jufeng grapes, ranging from dozens of grains per spike, spike-shaped approximation of grapes, the fruit can be taken down frost, plants more than 2 meters high, yield 7 to 10 kg, more than 10 tons per mu to panicle The United States, good quality, storage and transportation advantages, welcomed by consumers. First, choose fertilization. Select the high terrain, fertile soil, loose, 2 to 3 years without planting vegetables plots. Mushi fertile farmyard 7000 kg, 20 kg of ammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate 15 kg, or NPK fertilizer 30 kg. Two-thirds of fertilizer applied to the whole area, one-third