【目的】了解昆明市少数民族经济欠发达地区青少年视力状况,科学合理地开展视力保健工作。【方法】采用标准对数视力表距离5 m分别检查单眼裸眼视力及矫正视力,对单眼或双眼远视力低于5.0者进行常规眼科检查,以排除因器质性疾病引起的视力低常。【结果】视力低常率随年龄增长呈现明显的逐年上升趋势;高中生视力低常率明显高于初中生。女生视力低常率高于男生。汉族学生视力低常率高于各少数民族学生。即上述经统计学处理,年龄间的差异,性别间的差异,民族间的差异,有高度显著性。【结论】昆明市少数民族经济欠发达地区中学生视力不良率尚属低发生地区。
【Objective】 To understand the visual acuity of adolescents in undeveloped ethnic minority areas in Kunming and carry out the vision care work scientifically and reasonably. 【Methods】 The uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and corrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 5 eyes were examined with a standard logarithmic visual acuity meter at a distance of 5 m. The routine ophthalmological examinations were performed on those with monocular or binocular distance visual acuity below 5.0 to exclude low visual acuity due to organic diseases. 【Results】 The low visual acuity rate showed a clear upward trend year by year. The low visual acuity rate of high school students was significantly higher than that of junior high school students. Girls have a lower rate of vision than boys. Han students have a lower rate of vision than all ethnic minority students. That the above-mentioned statistical treatment, differences between age, gender differences, ethnic differences, highly significant. 【Conclusion】 The rate of poor eyesight in middle school students in ethnic minority undeveloped areas in Kunming is still low.