20 0 2年 3月 17日 ,俄罗斯Rockot轻型运载火箭成功地从Plesetsk发射场进行了首次商业发射 ,将美国和德国的 2颗可回收重力和气候实验 (Grace)科学卫星送入 5 0 0km的极轨道。该火箭采用退役的SS 19洲际弹道导弹作为第一级、Bree KM作为上面级。?
On March 17, 2000, the Russian Rockot light launch vehicle successfully launched its first commercial launch from the Plesetsk launch site, sending two gravitational and climate experiments (Grace) scientific satellites from the United States and Germany into the 500 km Polar orbits. The rocket uses the retired SS 19 intercontinental ballistic missile as the first level and Bree KM as the upper level. ?