恋爱和婚姻是人生的重要组成部分 ,它不仅关系到每个个人的幸福 ,也关系到社会的安定。加强大学生婚恋观教育是大学生生理、心理发育的客观要求。大学生婚恋观教育的目的 ,是使大学生树立正确的择偶标准、明确正确的恋爱态度、辨证看待失恋问题。
Love and marriage are important components of life. They are not only related to the happiness of each individual, but also the social stability. Strengthening college students ’education of love and marriage is an objective requirement of college students’ physical and psychological development. The purpose of college students’ education on love and marriage is to enable college students to establish the correct mate selection standard, clarify the correct attitudes toward love and treat dialectically the problems of romance.